Sisatura Ethno-Village

Immerse yourself in the captivating heritage of Samegrelo in Sisatura Ethno-Village (also known as Sisa Tura), located in the administrative unit of Chkhoria, 11 kilometers (around 7 miles) away from Zugdidi, on the road to Mestia. This 3-hectare (approximately 7.4 acres) ethnographic village offers a vivid insight into the rich history and fascinating customs of the region.

Sisatura comprises three distinct sections, each providing a different aspect of the Megrelian lifestyle. The first segment is an ethnographic zone featuring authentic Megrelian structures such as the Jargvali and Pita Pitsari dwellings. You can discover a treasure trove of artifacts, old household items, and traditional attire, while participating in cooking local dishes and listening to Megrelian folk music.

The second section of Sisatura offers a recreational experience. Enjoy a serene artificial lake, go fishing, relax on swings and hammocks, and explore the century-old wooden mill. All set against the backdrop of picturesque scenery, it is an ideal spot to unwind.

The third segment of the ethno-village focuses on agriculture. Here, you can interact with domestic animals and see typical Megrelian crops, engaging in farm life firsthand.

At the heart of the Sisatura experience is the local cuisine. Beyond a simple culinary tour, guests can attend cooking classes and tasting events, savoring traditional dishes like ghomi, elarji, gebzhalia, and Megrelian-style khachapuri.

Your visit to Sisa Tura concludes with a traditional Megrelian party, filled with folk music, dance, and the unforgettable art of toast-making from a Tamada, or toast-master. After a day filled with unique experiences and rich cultural immersion, you'll carry the memories and traditions of Samegrelo with you long after you leave the gates of Sisatura.

Nearest to Sisatura Ethno-Village

Distances shown are straight-line, calculated automatically from coordinates, and may not reflect actual travel distance. They do not account for altitude, terrain, or obstacles. Not suitable for itinerary planning or emergencies. For entertainment use only.

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